Student Concerns

What type of concern are you reporting?

These reports can be filled out by anybody (students, employees, friends). If you are not sure which form to fill out, fill out a Student Concerns Report and we will handle it accordingly.

Mental Health
Physical Health
Food/Resource Insecurity

Student Injury/Accident
Student Misconduct
(Note: Additional misconduct information can be found in the Hastings College Student Handbook)

Bias Incident or Discrimination/Harassment or Sexual Misconduct (For additional information, please visit

Academic Integrity (Plagiarism, Cheating (oral or written), Unauthorized Collaboration, etc.)

We encourage faculty and staff to reach out to the student of concern and/or their academic advisor after submitting a report. 

If a student is in imminent danger, call 911 and notify campus safety at (402) 984-8064.