Safety & Emergency Procedures
ID Cards
All students must submit a photo for their ID card at the beginning of their academic career at Hastings College. The ID card also provides FOB access to campus buildings. For your safety and convenience, be sure you are in possession of your card at all times. Students must carry their ID cards at all times and must show them if requested to do so by a college employee. There is a $20 charge for replacement ID cards.
Emergency Procedures
In a life-threatening emergency
Call 911. Then call Campus Safety at 402.984.8064 to inform them of the situation.
In all other security and maintenance emergencies — Call Campus Safety at 402.984.8064.
Campus Safety handles campus emergencies and will call the maintenance staff.
It is the duty of students, faculty and staff to report disturbing, abnormal, disruptive or threatening behavior, including threats to self or others.
During office hours, this behavior should be reported to the Dean of Student Engagement at 402.461.7773. When offices are closed, reports may be given to a Community Living Coordinator, or to Campus Safety (402.984.8064).
Campus Safety also has access to WhatsApp for international communication.
Adams County emergency notification system
It is recommended that all those on campus subscribe to the AlertSense emergency notification system.
The emergency notification services are free.
AlertSense is available via the AlertSense app for Apple or Android located at ACEMA.ORG,
Or you can text the campus zip code (68901) to 37801.
Campus Emergency notification system (RAVE)
RAVE is the means by which the College notifies the College community of an emergency or serious weather condition without delay.
All students and employees for whom the college has cell phone numbers are automatically enrolled in the college’s emergency text notification system (RAVE).
Emergency notifications are also sent to the Hastings College email addresses of faculty, staff and current students. If you have a change of cell phone number or provider, please contact the Dean of Student Engagement at 402.461.7773.
Campus wide safety notifications
In an effort to provide timely warning to the College community in the event of a crime which may pose a serious and ongoing threat to members of the College community, a warning notice is distributed to all students and employees via RAVE and an all-campus email.
Timely Warning Obligations regarding Clery Act Crimes
If the College determines that the alleged perpetrator poses a serious and immediate threat to the College community, the Dean of Student Engagement or a College administrator will issue a timely warning to the community which is to include information representative of a serious or continuing threat to students or employees. Any such warning will not include any information that identifies the reporting party’s name and other identifying information while providing enough information for community members to make safety decisions in light of the potential danger.
Reporting Crimes
Students and employees are encouraged to report criminal actions directly to the police by dialing 911. In addition, they should report crimes to campus safety, who will maintain a record of such reports, as follows:
Criminal actions in the residence halls or Bronco Village Apartments should be reported directly to the Resident Assistant, Community Living Coordinator, Campus Safety, or the Dean of Student Engagement. All staff must follow up with an incident report.
Criminal actions in other campus facilities should be reported to Campus Safety 402.984.8064.
Voluntary Confidential Reporting: Students may report a crime on a voluntary and confidential basis through the website, a Hastings College professional, a licensed counselor (including those who act in that role under the supervision of a licensed counselor). These individuals who provide mental health counseling to members of the school community are not required to report any information about a crime without the consent of the individual reporting and all information reported will be without self-identifying information. The Campus nurse is also not required to report any information about a sex or gender based incident if disclosed during a medical exam.
Suspicious Persons
Students are encouraged to be vigilant in protecting their own safety and should report all suspicious persons in or around campus housing facilities to a Resident Assistant, Community Living Coordinator, Campus Safety or the police if they believe the situation warrants it. Crimes reported to Campus Safety will be reported to the Hastings Police Department within 48 hours when required and/or if requested by the reporting party. Crimes will also be handled internally in accordance with college policies.
Crime Statistics
Hastings College is concerned about the safety and welfare of all campus members and guests and is committed to providing a safe and secure environment. In furtherance of these objectives, and in accordance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Title II of Public Law 101-542) as amended in 1992 and 1998 and renamed the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, which requires Hastings College to collect, publish and distribute certain criminal data. The Office of Student Engagement compiles and releases on an annual basis.
Reporting Injuries
All injuries occurring on campus or during an off-campus college-sponsored event should be reported as soon as possible in an incident report.
Report Missing On-campus Students Immediately
If a member of the Hastings College community has reason to believe that a student who resides in on-campus housing is missing, a report should be made immediately to Campus Safety 402.984.8064 or to the Dean of Student Engagement at 402.469.7773.
As appropriate, a missing person report will be generated.
After investigating the missing person report, if the Dean of Student Engagement/Campus Safety determines that the student is missing and has been missing for 24 hours, Hastings College will notify the Hastings Police department and the student’s emergency contacts no later than 24 hours after the student has been determined to be missing.
In the case of a missing student who resides in on-campus housing – and is also under 19 years of age and not emancipated – their custodial parent or guardian will also be notified that they are thought to be missing. A student’s confidential contact information will be accessible only to authorized campus officials and law enforcement as appropriate.
Campus Safety Office
The Campus Safety Office is located at 846 Ash Street (just east of Bronc) and is available to all members of the Hastings College community. Please contact Campus Safety if you have any concerns about safety and security, including if you witness any suspicious activity. Campus Safety number is 402.984.8064. Campus Safety also provides Safe Walks and Safe Rides.
Law Enforcement & Jurisdiction
Hastings College Campus Safety staff does not have the authority to arrest individuals found in violation of state or local city law. Hastings Police Department does have arrest authority for individuals found in violation of state or local city law that are on Hastings College property. The Campus Safety staff work directly with Hastings Police Department to ensure the safety of all visitors, students and employees on campus.
Notice of Tornado and Storm Related Information
The weather can change rapidly in Nebraska and the Hastings area is susceptible to tornadoes. Whenever the weather looks threatening, you are encouraged to monitor radio, television and internet broadcasts. The emergency management team in our area (Adams County Emergency Management) will sound the tornado sirens if:
There are winds in excess of 70+ mph;
A tornado is spotted or seen on radar, 7-10 miles away, or
1 3/4” hail or greater is expected. The sirens are intended to warn those who are outdoors.
Those who are indoors are encouraged to monitor weather broadcasts during threatening weather. Local coverage is provided by
Local4 (the local NBC affiliate),
NTV (the local ABC affiliate),
KHAS radio (AM 1230) and,
National Weather Service (
The National Weather Service has two categories to describe conditions related to tornadoes.
Tornado Watch: Weather conditions are such that a tornado could form. Weather broadcasts should be closely monitored.
Tornado Warning: A tornado has been sighted and residents should take action to protect themselves.
If indoors:
Go to the basement or an inside hallway at the lowest level.
Safe areas in Hastings College buildings are listed below.
Avoid places with wide span roofs such as auditoriums, dining hall, or large hallways.
Get under a piece of sturdy furniture such as a workbench or heavy table or desk and hold on to it.
Stay away from windows.
Use your arms to protect your head and neck.
If outdoors:
Where possible, get inside a building.
If shelter is not available or there is no time to get indoors, lie in a ditch or low-lying area or crouch near a strong building.
Be aware of the potential for flooding.
Use arms to protect the head and neck.
If in a car:
Never try to out drive a tornado in a car or truck.
Tornadoes can change direction quickly and can lift up a car or truck and toss it through the air.
Get out of the car immediately and take shelter in a nearby building.
If there is no time to get indoors, get out of the car and lie in a ditch or low-lying area away from the vehicle.
Be aware of the potential for flooding.
Campus Storm Shelter Locations
Barrett Alumni Center (Move to an interior windowless room)
Batchelder Building (Move to an interior windowless room)
Bronco Village, 917 (Move to basement of building, 917 N. 6th Ave, ID access
Daugherty Center (Move to lower level)
Lynn Farrell Arena/Fleharty Center (Move to hallways on lower level of arena)
French Memorial Chapel (Move to basement via east and west access)
Fuhr Hall (Move to basement, across from Perkins Auditorium’s south stage exit)
Gray Center (Move to northeast corner of Esports Arena)
Hazelrigg Student Union (Move to basement by way of the stairs near the building’s southwest entrance)
Campus Houses (Move to an interior basement hallway)
Hurley-McDonald (Move to basement)
Jackson Dinsdale Art Center (Move to the restrooms)
Kiewit (Move to first floor bathrooms)
McCormick Hall (Move to the basement)
Morrison-Reeves Science (Move to first floor utility rooms at either the north or south of building)
Perkins Library (Move to basement by way of the stairs in the northwest corner, near the computers)
Physical Fitness Facility (Move to the restrooms)
Residence Halls (Move to an interior basement hallway)
Sachtleben Observatory (Move to ground level restroom or ditches near entrance)
Scott Studio Theater (Move to an interior windowless room)
Stadium (Move to hallways on lower level of arena or restrooms of stadium)
Stone Health Center (Move to interior ADA restroom)
Track (Move to Barrett Alumni Center interior windowless room)
Wilson Center (Move to basement)